The Engagement Ring Chat With Your “Surprise Me!” Girlfriend.


What and what not to include in engagement ring chats can be a bit blurry. This is part one of a blog series on engagement ring questions for “Surprise me”, “hands on” and “hinter” girlfriends. Keep an eye out for the next installments.

Girlfriends have a 6th sense when it comes to engagement ring activity.

You can be as stealthy as a grain of salt – she’ll know something’s up.

Continue reading The Engagement Ring Chat With Your “Surprise Me!” Girlfriend.

Why I Proposed Without An Engagement Ring


On the 28th of April 2012 I proposed to my then girlfriend sans any ring of sorts.

All snuggled up next to a hissing camp-fire the perfect moment presented itself without warning. I always thought I’d at least get down on my knee in that moment- but to be honest I was as overwhelmed by the proposal as Mia was. And knee-dropping without a ring is just super weird.

Continue reading Why I Proposed Without An Engagement Ring

The Best Time Of Year To Get Engaged

A little known, but super interesting fact is that Facebook reports significant peaks in both breakups AND engagements during the Christmas holidays and around Valentine’s day. What does a simultaneous drastic peak in break-ups and proposals tell you? People seriously reconsider the potential of their relationships during these times. So my dear friends, this Christmas someone’s at serious risk of getting a ring on the finger … or just the finger (goodbye hug). 

Engagement Season isn’t a rumour or just a catchy phrase – any jeweller will tell you that the two months leading up to the Christmas holidays are golden. We see great value in seriously considering the very real “Engagement Season” for your special moment…

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